Washing machine - faulty glass cleaning condition
-  Inspection and exchange of contamination of washing water
-  Cleaning and exchanging washing machine broa filters
Press - Poor compression
-  Check butyl amount and butyl nozzles
-  Check the press slide plate and fixture plate spacing (square corner)
-  Check and adjust touchscreen squeeze talk and time
Autosiling - Shilling condition poor
-  Check the condition of the primary glass, secondary glass height difference and interpolation attachment (Too much will cause poor shilling)
-  Check nozzle plate movement (Nozzle plate should move smoothly left and right to sealing in case of glass height difference)
-  Check cleaning condition and fixed location of scraper plate
-  Scanner Setting Confirmation (touchscreen)
Autosiling - Poor mixing status
-  Check the status of the mixing stick
-  when shilling check the secondary pressure of the main and hardener (touchscreen)
-  Check operation of heating system during winter